What is varicose veins in the uterus - causes, symptoms and treatment

The main problem is the problem is that it is very difficult to diagnose. Very often there will be confusion, if the results of the studies are talking about you have problems with the sink.

varicose veins of the uterus

Who is the main risk in the field? First of all, are women of childbearing age. In rare cases is the disease, which afflicts young people. And sen increase come across this disease can even rarer. But in no case do not need to think that you this problem does not in any way touch.

The main causes of the

In most cases, is a disease there will be reason for a strong and long inflammatory processes. In no case do not throw away a failed pregnancy. If you went through the abortion, then you also have a high-risk zone. So you must consult with your doctor. He tells the story in detail, which is notorious for varicose veins of the uterus, how to cope with it.

A special problem may be ovarian in vienna. There can be into the bloodstream, which leads to this ailment. Don't forget, that particular injury can bring medical drugs. More new side effects which is not yet the end of the study. Especially harmful is the hormonal tools. Predisposition also should not be denied.


These are especially important to know that if not rejected the hike to a specialist. The first and most important symptom — severe pain under the belly. Sometimes they are so strong, that it leads to the ability to work a total loss. There will be a noticeable discomfort after intercourse or even during. The menstrual cycle is broken, it differed from a small number of exudation.

It should be noted, in order to identify varicose veins in the uterus difficult, if the symptoms are similar to those of many gynecological diseases. Here can not in any case think.

Only a complete ULTRASOUND using modern devices allow accurate diagnosis and take further decisions.

There is not the most clear the reasons why you should contact a specialist. In particular, seizures. This is especially dangerous if they are accompanied by swelling. You will feel irritation of the feet in the evening, come to work? Your torture will be constant discomfort? Then at least avoid the interest necessarily visit quality specialist.

Complicated pregnancy

Of course, varicose veins ven in the womb the pregnancy period is not so common. But after each fertilisation, the situation is complex. With maturity, increases the risk. In doing so, not only born, but also the child. What difficulties may arise?

  1. Placental failure.
  2. Thrombophlebitis.
  3. Thrombosis veins.
  4. Often to be done cesarean.

Can be summarized all say this, that if the treatment of pregnancy complicated at times. This uterine disease requires constant supervision is a phlebologist. Quite likely he will tell you that in your case, if you're pregnant, is the treatment proves to be ineffective. In this case, the treating physician must produce at least symptomatic treatment. What is it? The specialist cannot handle a major illness. Then he must at least reduce to zero its main symptoms.

And how to treat varicose veins of the uterus outside of pregnancy? This case is now several main methods. They are chosen depending on the specifics of the sick. Consider these more closely.

  1. The conservative treatment. In this case the need to take medications that are geared to toning the vein. Important is also a medicines against the allergy. Given the complex belongs to the more and physical therapy, contraindications.
  2. Sometimes it is impossible without surgical intervention. Modern technology allows you to do everything as quickly as possible. Specific methods depend on the state of the patient, the extent of neglect in the disease.

About folk in the media

They are also sometimes help to treat varicose veins. Already have a developed list of the medicinal products, which must be taken through the mouth.

  1. First of all you should check tincture hevoskastanja.
  2. Be sure to try to take the infusion of hop cones.
  3. Excellent blend of a variety of treatment herbs. It may be st. john's wort, field horsetail, marigold and some of the others. Buy it all you can almost every major market.
  4. Try apple cider vinegar. Dilute a couple of teaspoons of standard glass of water.

But it is necessary to understand, that much depends on what stage of the disease. If it is only leaves and powerful bud, then the folk itself can be effective.

Fixed assets prevention

First of all, it should be in a responsible attitude to their health. If you notice any changes in the uterus, you should immediately contact to a gynecologist. He can literally after a series of questions to decide is that you have problems, make a plan for further action.

In no case does not itself determine for himself the hormonal drugs. Only in small doses and after consulting a qualified medical professional. The first pregnancy should be avoid stress, constantly held in check. The more that there are now a large number of different diagnostic centers, which gives the result in is literally within one hour.

It is important to moderate physical load. Serious exercising only aggravate the situation. And here is the physical culture, exercises, dancing, swimming, yoga — all of this lead to their immunity to this disease significantly increases.

Analysis of urine and blood test will be taken into account in the framework of prevention. In particular, if the blood is bad for clotting, then this is a clear sign of varicose veins. It remains only to define the place where it is located. Probably all know that a proper diet helps get rid of a myriad of problems. Specifically, you can increase your chances for a healthy future, losing your diet too fatty and spicy food. Eat as much as possible of fruits, vegetables. Don't forget the limitations of the sugar content. Especially dangerous is white. And all the foods that contained in its large quantities. Now you know all about pro varicose veins of the uterus and its treatment of the details.